The Cycle

DNA First.124
DNA First.125
DNA First 5 Simplified.140
DNA First 5 Simplified.141
DNA First.126
DNA First.124
DNA First.125
DNA First 5 Simplified.140
DNA First 5 Simplified.141
DNA First.126
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30 cm (width), 80 cm (height), 30 cm (depth).
Metal, acrylic, electric motor, mechanical parts, electrical parts.

Inspired by the capability of evolving, this project celebrates our genetic recombination, adapting and pushing us forward into the future and exploration.


The project consists of twelve layers of genes, moving at different speeds, aligning at each 3rd rotation.

Actuated by an electrical motor and a series of gears in each layer, the movement is hypnotic and lighted from the base; light reflections can be seen in each steel bearing sphere, rotating; also, each passing sphere will reflect when over passing another.